Community Advocates’ Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Updated: March 24, 2020
Community Advocates’ priorities during the COVID-19 public health emergency are the health and safety of those who access our services, our employees, and members of the general public.
In response to the pandemic and guidelines provided by the CDC, WHO, and state and local officials, we have enacted the following measures to curb the spread of the virus and to keep those in our care safe and well.
- Our facilities on James Lovell Street, Brown Deer Road, and Fond du Lac Avenue are closed to the public.
- Employees are working from home providing telephonic support to help individuals and families access Energy Assistance, FSET, Housing and Disability Services.
- Our case management, substance use disorder treatment services, fatherhood programming, and batterers’ prevention and intervention education program, are being conducted over the phone and through video conferencing.
- Staff will provide in person emergency services for clients experiencing a no heat/emergency furnace situation or severe health and safety code violations that result in a Department of Neighborhood Services Placard for Uninhabitable Conditions.
- Our Public Policy Institute staff are working from home and using telephonic and online meetings to continue their work.
- Our homeless outreach workers, with appropriate personal protective equipment; provide food, water, hand sanitizer and information and referrals for shelter or housing placement to individuals experiencing street homelessness.
- Milwaukee Women’s Center, Autumn West Safe Haven and the Waukesha Winter Overflow Shelter, our 24/7 sites, have staggered mealtimes, increased cleaning and sanitizing of common areas, rest rooms, and high touch areas and rotating schedule for computer labs.
- In room isolation and containment protocols are used for guests showing symptoms.
- We continue to partner with the homeless service providers to implement safe strategies to keep people healthy and well and to keep those showing symptoms contained.
- We are prepared to respond to further guidelines provided by the CDC, WHO, and state and local officials.
Here’s how you can get in touch with us during this time:
- General Community Advocates’ information and questions: Call 414-270-2941. Your call will be returned within 24 hours. Or you can email us at this link and your message will be forwarded to the appropriate department.
- Milwaukee Women’s Center: Call 414-671-6140 any time of the day or night to speak to staff about your domestic violence concerns.
- Milwaukee County Energy Assistance Program: All appointments will be conducted over the phone. Call 414-270-4653 to schedule your appointment.
- FSET: Call 414-290-7700 regarding this program.
- After hours and on weekends, please call IMPACT 2-1-1 for services.
Additional Resources:
- Community Advocates' Response & Basic Needs Resources during COVID-19
- Public Policy Institute's Health, Mental Health & Policy COVID-19 Resources
- Public Policy Institute's COVID-19 Youth & Family Wellness Resources
- Tips for Milwaukee Tenants during COVID-19
- Tips for Milwaukee Landlords during COVID-19
Updated: April 3, 2020