We are thrilled and honored to accept a $100,000 donation from The Jack and Barbara Recht Family Fund. This contribution will enable our Homeless Outreach and Supportive Housing Programs to continue to assist individuals who are living on the streets or are transitioning from the streets into permanent housing.
“It’s hard to express how important the Recht family’s gift will be to the hundreds of individuals we serve who are struggling to get by on the city’s streets, in our parks, and in other places not fit for human habitation,” said Community Advocates CEO Andi Elliott. “With the Recht family’s donation, we will be able to continue to provide compassionate, professional care and services to men and women who don’t have a safe place to sleep at night, a clean kitchen in which to cook their meals, or the health care and other supports that will enable them to live independently and with dignity. We are very grateful to Barbara Recht and her family for supporting our efforts to assist these vulnerable members of our community.”
Community Advocates’ Homeless Outreach Program engaged 138 men and women in 2019 and provided case management services to 38 formerly homeless clients who are in permanent supportive housing as part of the Housing First Initiative. In addition, our Autumn West Safe Haven, a low-barrier housing refuge for individuals who are currently homeless and experiencing severe and persistent mental health challenges, provided 44 individuals with safe and stable housing at Autumn West or a permanent housing setting in 2019. Our Project Bridge program provided immediate access to safe and affordable housing and case management to 100 Milwaukee residents last year who had experienced chronic homelessness and are living with a disability.
“A safe, stable home is central to every person’s health and well-being,” Elliott said. “With this gift from Barbara Recht and her family, more individuals will be able to come home each night with peace of mind.”