Learn more about Community Advocates’ busy 2018 in our annual report!
As Community Advocates’ Board President Sheree Dallas Branch writes in the introduction, “In the City of Milwaukee, 27% of our neighbors live below the poverty line, a number that is more than double the national average. As a result, we see a tremendous need for the programs and services that Community Advocates has to offer. In 2018, 70,983 individuals sought help from our organization, representing 1,549 more people served as compared to 2017. This year was also the third consecutive year that we saw an increase in the number of people who reached out to us for help, guidance, and assistance. We are proud of our staff, who show compassion, kindness, and unyielding dedication to help individuals and their families meet their needs so they may live in dignity.”
Thank you to our friends and allies for making 2018 a productive one.