Verbal De-Escalation Techniques for Intake/Admission Workers | June 20, 2023

It’s not easy to de escalate a caller when all you have is your voice and your protocols.
While this informative workshop has much in common with our 10 Tips for Verbal De-escalation, this training focuses primarily on de-escalation tips for intake and admissions officers and will offer the five best steps for initial interaction with clients.
During this virtual workshop, you will learn how to increase safety by utilizing verbal de-escalation techniques. Participants will explore foundational information on how to reduce the level of conflict through self-knowledge, understand how past experiences influence current behavior, and practice de-escalation.
This session is open to everyone, but it's free for those who live or work in Milwaukee County. However, we ask that you reserve your seat with a $25 deposit. Those who live or work in Milwaukee County will have their deposit refunded after they attend the workshop. Those who don't attend, or live and work outside of Milwaukee County, will not receive a refund. Thank you! We appreciate your interest in learning more about mental health and wellness.